Stay Calm with Ease Through Sedative Solutions
Completing dental appointments, even for basic treatments, is actually quite more difficult than you’d think for some people. Fear and anxiety is one of the more common reasons why people skip their routine care. Thankfully, Dental Innovations has multiple sedation options to help keep you at ease. Our dentists and team members are highly trained in safely administering sedation dentistry in Mesa, AZ.

Why Choose Dental Innovations for Sedation Dentistry?

Dissipates Quickly
After Use

and IV Sedation

By Experienced Team Members
Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry
Considered to be a moderate form of sedation dentistry, oral conscious sedation is meant to be taken in pill-form about one hour before treatment begins. After the effects start to kick in, you’ll feel significantly more relaxed. In some cases, you may even find it difficult to remember most of your appointment, which is ideal for those with dental phobia or fear. However, the effects can linger after treatment is complete, so it’s required that you have a friend or family member drive you to and from the dental office.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation
If you suffer from mild anxiety, you’ll find the fast-acting effects of nitrous oxide to be quite beneficial. This gas-based mixture contains nitrous oxide, but it also contains oxygen to make breathing easy during your appointment. As you wear the nasal mask and begin breathing in the sedative, you’ll quickly start to feel warm, calm and far more relaxed than before you came in. Once the mask is removed, the effects of the sedative will go away as soon as they came. This makes it easy to continue your work day or weekend!

IV Sedation Dentistry
Considered to be a much stronger form of sedation dentistry, IV sedation is meant for those with severe levels of anxiety or fear. While IV sedation is also fast-acting, it’s administered in an entirely different way compared to nitrous oxide sedation. After hooking you up to an intravenous setup, our dentists can carefully adjust the amount of sedative to your bloodstream with a simple turn of a knob. Despite the strength of this option, you’ll still be awake to speak with our team (just like the other options.) However, you will need time for the sedative to wear off, so make sure to coordinate a ride with a friend or family member.